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                    Manage multiple Copilot accounts and portals seamlessly

                    Workspaces copy-icon

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                    When you create a Copilot account (and your first internal user), that internal user is initially associated with a single Copilot Dashboard and portal. For most businesses, a single workspace is sufficient, but there are reason you may want to set up multiple workspaces:

                    • Since each workspace has its own Copilot Dashboard, if you want to completely separate client management among different internal teams, it may make sense to set up multiple workspaces.

                    • If your business has multiple brands, it may make sense to set up a workspace for each brand so that each portal can be customized to fit the brand.

                    Since an internal user can be associated with multiple workspaces, we’ve made it easy to switch workspaces. You can simply click on your workspace name in the top-left of the sidebar and select the workspace you want to switch to.

                    Workspace switching copy-icon

                    If you click on the workspace name in the top-left of the Copilot Dashboard, you can quickly switch among multiple dashboards. Workspaces will be grouped by email, but you can even switch among workspaces with different emails. This feature is particularly helpful for partners that may be part of a large number of workspaces that represent their clients.