
Custom Visibility for Apps

May 02, 2024
  • 3 min read
  • With custom visibility for apps, you can dynamically control which clients have access to an app. This lets you provide differentiated levels of service to clients. For example, you might only allow clients with custom field plan = premium access to schedule time with you (e.g. access to the Calendly App) and message you (e.g. access to our Messages App). You can also create dynamic onboarding experiences. For example, a new lead may need to sign a contract before they can access other parts of

    Introducing Copilot's App Store and Platform

    Mar 28, 2024
  • 4 min read
  • At Copilot, we set out almost 4 years ago to build the best software suite for creative and professional service businesses. In the beginning, we focused on the foundation and must-have features like a flexible CRM, payments, messaging, and contract management. But every service business is unique and we learned quickly that there was no way to build everything that our customers wanted fast enough. The only way forward was to build a true platform and developer ecosystem. Today we’re excited

    Copilot 2024 Winter Release

    Jan 19, 2024
  • 3 min read
  • We’re excited to announce the Copilot Winter Release 2024. Watch the video to see a full product walkthrough of new features or read about them below. ⬇️ Contracts App There are dozens of eSignature solutions out there, but we wanted to build something better – something that is tightly integrated with the rest of the Copilot Platform. The Contracts App is just that – it’s the 6th addition to our app marketplace and is joining our Messaging App, Billing App, Files App, Forms App, and Helpdesk

    Announcing Copilot on Make

    Nov 08, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • Starting today, Copilot is available and fully supported on Make. Now, alongside our existing API and Zapier capabilities, you can harness the power of Make's visual programming to automate workflows between Copilot and the apps you use daily. Check out our Make profile here. Why we built Copilot on Make Previously, the only no-code tool available for creating automations we supported was Zapier. In order to give you more flexibility when it comes to automations, we decided to release all ava

    How to start an accounting firm in 2024 (8 easy steps)

    Oct 24, 2023
  • 12 min read
  • Learn how to start an accounting firm — virtually. They run leaner, have better growth channels, and the tools available to them get better every year.

    Copilot 2023 Fall Release

    Sep 26, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • We’re excited to announce the Copilot Fall Release 2023, a collection of features we’re releasing today or shipped over the last few weeks. Log in with Google for clients One of our product principles at Copilot is to remove as much friction as possible for your clients. In line with that, today we rolled out Sign up and Log in with Google and enabled it for clients in all portals. Google authentication works seamlessly for new clients and also for clients that previously set up with an email

    Working backwards from the customer experience

    Sep 18, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • Startups are often founded on a small number of product insights that significantly shape their trajectory. In this post I wanted to share what one of those early insights was for us. TLDR: While most startups prioritize just their immediate customers, we felt that there was an important and under-appreciated opportunity to prioritize our customers’ customers instead. How we came to this realization Copilot wasn’t the first company my cofounder Neil and I started. We’ve done so before, and a
    Inside Copilot

    How to Collect Online Credit Card Payments

    Jul 24, 2023
  • 8 min read
  • Payment processing can be intimidating for small business owners. Learn how to collect online credit card payments the right way.

    Introducing Copilot Automations

    Jun 13, 2023
  • 3 min read
  • We’re excited to launch Copilot Automations, a set of pre-built workflows that help you save time, reduce human error, and overall run a more streamlined business. Jump right in and check out the new automation templates or read on to learn more about our motivation for this release and the rundown of new features. Also, don’t forget to join us for a live webinar where our experts will demo Copilot Automations. Why we built Copilot Automations When we first launched Copilot, we set to provide

    Introducing Forms 2.0

    Jun 06, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • We’re excited to announce a completely redesigned Forms App that comes with support for always-on mode, multiple submissions per client, and more. Along with the product update, we’ve also redesigned our API for forms so that you can more easily set up workflows that begin with a forms submission. Watch the product walkthrough A more powerful & intuitive design We’ve redesigned the Forms App for both internal and client users. For internal users, when you click into a form you’re now greete

    Introducing Copilot 1.0 and Announcing our Series A

    Jan 19, 2023
  • 3 min read
  • We started working on Copilot (previously Portal) more than two years ago to help service companies start, run, and grow their business. Today we're delighted to unveil our latest version, Copilot 1.0. With Copilot 1.0, businesses can set up a client portal that enables clients to send messages, make payments, sign contracts, access custom apps, and more. We’re also thrilled to announce our $10M Series A round (covered by TechCrunch here) which enables us to create the best possible software to

    Copilot 2022 Winter Release

    Jan 19, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • We're excited to share details of the Copilot Winter Release – the most significant release in our company's history. It includes four major new features and hundreds of design and performance improvements. Read on! A revamped Copilot Admin The new Copilot Admin is out and you can access it by logging in on You'll see a refreshed look, faster loading speeds, improved search, and a better overview of everything important to your business. The client experience (i.e. , your portal)

    How to get referrals from clients (with expert tips)

    Nov 02, 2022
  • 7 min read
  • The best way to tap into word-of-mouth marketing is through client referrals. Asking for referrals directly can be anxiety inducing and time consuming, which is why you need to learn how to secure client referrals without asking.

    How to Hold an Effective International Off-site as a Series A Startup

    Sep 03, 2022
  • 6 min read
  • Everything we learned about doing an off-site in a far-away place with a team of 15.
    Inside Copilot

    The Top 5 Software Picks for Effectively Managing Your Clients

    Jan 12, 2022
  • 6 min read
  • Running a small business or managing your customer data as a freelancer is difficult. Often you are trying to save customer profiles in a basic database or within a spreadsheet, both of which aren’t ideal interfaces. The same can be said for contact management software, which can help organize client information but doesn’t always have the email marketing and sales process integration that you may need. Having the right tools to help improve client relationships and be ready for any client enga

    What is a Project Implementation Plan + Templates

    Jan 11, 2022
  • 7 min read
  • At the outset of any large project, project managers have the challenging task of organizing team members and creating a strategic plan for completing project objectives. There are many ways that leaders can help lead employees towards planning a cleaner implementation process, such as well-organized Gantt charts, project execution plans, project management software, and other collaboration tools. While there are many project management tools a project team can use to monitor their progress, on

    Introducing Helpdesk 2.0

    Dec 01, 2021
  • 2 min read
  • From 1.0 to 2.0 We released the first version of the Knowledge base module 14 months ago. At the time we believed that service businesses (agencies, law firms, etc.) all had an incredible amount of knowledge that customers were willing to pay for. We've learned a lot since then and couldn't be more excited about Knowledge base 2.0, our most important update yet. What's new in Knowledge base 2.0 A Powerful New Editor The Knowledge base now comes with a powerful rich text editor that lets yo

    September Highlights: Instant Bank Payments, Invoice Previews, and Multi-select Tags

    Sep 30, 2021
  • 3 min read
  • In September, the Portal team focused on improvements to the Billing Module.

    August Highlights: Exports & Custom Fields

    Aug 31, 2021
  • 3 min read
  • In August, the Portal team focused on support for exports across the entire set of Modules, custom fields, and stability.

    June Highlights: Custom Fields, CRM Filters, and Company Management

    Jul 14, 2021
  • 1 min read
  • In June, the Portal team focused on making the CRM more powerful and improving the experience of managing client companies (which may have multiple associated client users).

    April Highlights: Billing 2.0 and lots of improvements

    May 10, 2021
  • 2 min read
  • In April, the Portal team focused on billing enhancements, user experience improvements, and infrastructure improvements that make the product run faster.

    March Highlights: Client assignment, Help center, and Link sharing

    Mar 11, 2021
  • 2 min read
  • In March the Portal team shipped client assignment, a help center, link sharing, and more.

    February Highlights: Intake forms & Google Analytics

    Feb 28, 2021
  • 3 min read
  • In February 2021, the Portal team shipped a comprehensive Intake Forms module, Google Analytics, and dozens of improvements and fixes.

    January Highlights: eSignatures module & Module management

    Jan 31, 2021
  • 3 min read
  • In January the Portal team shipped a comprehensive eSignatures solution. Unlike most eSignature products, our offering is tightly integrated with the rest of your portal. That means clients can now message you, share files with you, pay, and sign documents, all from one unified place.

    December Highlights: Infrastructure month

    Dec 31, 2020
  • 3 min read
  • In December the Portal team focused on infrastructure and performance. We shipped better domain management, made cross-product improvement to make the product work in real-time, and improved our notification infrastructure.

    Virtual Law Firms: What are the benefits?

    Dec 07, 2020
  • 4 min read
  • In the age of Covid, virtual law firms are taking off. Learn about what they are, what benefits they have, and what technologies you should adopt.