Copilot Experts Program

Made for agencies and freelancers that help businesses on Copilot succeed


Workspace setup

Help set up Copilot workspaces from scratch. Connect landing pages, set up customizations, configure automations, and more.



Help businesses migrate from other products. This includes client migrations, file migrations, switching payment processors, and more.



Configure automations using Zapier and Make. Streamline client onboarding, reduce human error, and help Copilot businesses save time.


Custom Apps

Build Custom Apps for businesses with unique custom needs for whom out-of-the-box features don't meet all requirements.


"Our own design & technology studio runs on Copilot and we've loved helping build Custom Apps, integrations, and automations for dozens of businesses."

Sujan Shrestha

Founder and CTO, Outside

Apply now, get accepted tomorrow, and start earning



Apply to be an Expert and hear back from our team in less than 7 days. The best way to get approved is to already have helped businesses with Copilot deployments.



You'll be invited to PartnerStack (to access educational resources and track referred accounts) and PartnerPage (to get listed in our Experts directory).



We'll send business your way through our network and Experts Directory. And you can pitch Copilot to businesses where you think we are a good fit.



You will automatically earn 20% commissions on businesses that sign up with your link or in workspaces where you are invited as the first Expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I earn revenue share retroactively if I didn't join the Experts program initially?

No, you will only earn revenue share if you joined the program first.

What if a user adds additional seats or upgrades their workspace after their first invoice?

Rewards will be generated for each new transaction and this includes seat upgrades and plan upgrades.

If I leave a team where I'm earning revenue share, will I stop receiving revenue share?

Yes. If you are receiving revenue share through path B (joining as the first Copilot Expert) you must remain an internal user on that team to keep earning revenue share.

How can I ask additional questions?

If you have more questions, you can reach out to us at