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Copilot 2023 Fall Release

Sep 26, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • Marlon Misra

    We’re excited to announce the Copilot Fall Release 2023, a collection of features we’re releasing today or shipped over the last few weeks.

    Log in with Google for clients

    One of our product principles at Copilot is to remove as much friction as possible for your clients. In line with that, today we rolled out Sign up and Log in with Google and enabled it for clients in all portals. Google authentication works seamlessly for new clients and also for clients that previously set up with an email and password. If you want to disable Google auth for clients, you can do so in your settings.

    Copilot Dashboard PWA

    Set up a Progressive Web App (PWA) on you mobile or tablet device if you want to more easily use the Copilot Dashboard (internal user experience) on the go. Note that while this makes the experience of accessing the Copilot Dashboard better on Android or iOS, our PWA doesn't yet have push notifications. To install the PWA, follow the device-specific instructions here.

    Messages API

    Last week we rolled out our Messages API, a new way to set up workflows and automations that involve messages and message channels. You can start using the Messages API directly (more details in our API Reference documentation) or you can use message triggers and actions on Zapier or Make.

    Ideas to get started

    • Automatically send a message to clients when they submit a form. Zapier template here.
    • Set up an auto-responder for when clients message on the weekend. Zapier template here.
    • Back up messages for data retention purposes.
    • You can now create and manage multiple API keys.
    • Clients now have firstLoginDate, lastLoginDate, and lastActiveDate properties.
    • Webhooks now have signing secrets.

    More customizations

    You can now add a social sharing image which is used for rich URL previews when you post a link to your portal on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. Additionally you can now customize your meta title and meta description. Your meta title is used on browser tab names and both are used to display search engine results.

    Copilot Guide

    It’s easy to get started with Copilot but there are hundreds of customizations, advanced features, and easter eggs (try opening in your browser if you’re logged in!). Over the last few months our customer experience team wrote a comprehensive guide on how to get started and make the most of Copilot. Read the Copilot Guide here.

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