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The New Checkout Experience
We love improving the design and usability of core features. With this release, we've completely redesigned the checkout experience for your customers. On web, the new full-screen experience is easier on the eyes, requires fewer steps, and better reflects your brand's color scheme. On mobile, the experience was completely redesigned for small screens and makes better use of space.

Instant ACH Payments
With this release, clients can instantly verify their bank account and make ACH payments. To make an ACH payment, clients can select their bank, log in, and are then redirected back to your portal to complete the payment.
To enable instant ACH payments no changes are needed by you as long as ACH payments are enabled on Settings/Billing.

Improvements and fixes
- Improved how Extensions load when they have scrolling. Scrolling will now always work.
- Improved the custom fields experience in several ways. Custom fields now load faster, support faster inputs, show better errors, and better handle edge cases like long names.