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A New Brand for Portal
If you've visited our website you may have noticed that we have updated our visual identity. We're keeping the same name but have adopted a new icon and color scheme that better reflects our product.

Customizable Welcome Messages
We believe that it's incredibly important to give client users that sign up on your portals a great experience immediately after they create their account. We've added the ability to customize the welcome message that new client users get when they sign up for their account. Here's how it works:
- Go to Settings/Messaging and customize the welcome message. You can also customize the sender of the message and the others in the channel (if you have coworkers).
- When a new client user goes through the Sign Up flow they are automatically greeted with the welcome message that you set up above.
We recommend you update your welcome messages with something that makes the most sense for your business. For example, you may want to inform new clients what they can use your portal for, what services you provide, or how quickly you will respond.

Customize your welcome message in Settings/Messaging

This is what new client users see when they sign up
Improvements and Fixes
- Added a progress indicator that is shown when you upload files. This makes it clear how long uploading a file will take and is especially useful for larger files.
- Refined many details of the landing page module - improved spacing on mobile, improved the menu button on mobile, adjusted the layout of the hero section on the home page, added a success message when Contact Us forms are submitted, and more.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in extra page refreshes when you did searched on CRM pages.
- Fixed a bug that restricted the maximum amount of characters allowed for line items on invoices.
- Redesigned the "Save Changes" bar that shows on the top of several pages.