For the last 2 years, we have aimed to release new features on a weekly cadence. This goal pushed our team to make progress quickly and deliver something valuable every 7 days. During this time we have also invested heavily in our engineering and testing infrastructure. Starting today, we are comfortable doing releases on a continuous basis, which generally means multiple times per day. When a new release is available, you will see a notification above. Simply refresh the page to receive the latest version of our software.
Improvements & Updates
Improved the real-time behavior for forms so that new form requests show immediately in the client experience without refreshing.
Streamlined the onboarding experience for new customers on by initializing new portals with resource cards that are industry and company size specific.
Improved the client import flow by adding tooltips and better copy.
Improved the design and consistency of the search experience across the product.
Improved the sorting logic on Form pages.
Fixed an edge cases where invoices showed incorrect due dates on the PDF in rare edge cases.
Fixed a bug where client import failed if you include internal user assignees that have been deleted.
Fixed a bug where duplicate company messaging channels were created when a client logs in the first time. This scenario only occurred in rare situations where there was already an existing company channel that was manually created.
Fixed a bug for where the messaging page had poor layout design on some screen sizes.