Token Inspector

Create a test client 
Before you invite real clients you can familiarize yourself with the client experience. To do that, we recommend you create a test client user. You can use the same email you used for your internal user since clients access the portal on a URL distinct from the Copilot Dashboard.
Navigate to the Clients page.
Click on New client > Create one client.
Enter a name and email. Note that you can use the same email you used for your internal user.
Copy the invite link and paste it in a browser tab. Or, send an email invite to yourself and log in from the provided link.
Activate the test client.
Doing the test run 
Now that you have your Copilot Dashboard open in one tab and your portal in another, try some workflows so that you get a sense of what working with real clients will be like. For example:
As an internal user, send a message to the test client and then reply as your test client.
As an internal user, assign a form to your test client and then submit the form as your test client.
As an internal user, upload files in the test client’s files channel and then view the files as your test client.
March 06, 2024
Copilot supports embedding any external application that doesn’t block embedding.
App Visibility
Internal-facing apps are only visible to your internal team.
Must have Messages App installed
4.5/5 (4 reviews)