
New updates and improvements to Copilot.

March 31, 2021

Subscriptions with line items

You can now create subscriptions with multiple line items. Invoices previously had this capability and now subscriptions have it as well.


Default visibility

You can now set default visibility rules in your settings. When a client is created, visibility is set based on those preferences. As a reminder, visibility rules define who on your team can see a client and the client's associated information (messages, files, etc.).


Multi file upload for forms

For questions of type file upload, clients can now submit multiple files.


Improved empty states for file channels

When you select a files channel that doesn't have any files, we now show a redesigned page that makes it clear what actions are available (upload file, add link, create folder).


Improvements and fixes

  • Added an improved way to connect custom domains that makes the process fast (<2 minutes in most cases) and requires fewer records to be added on your registrar.
  • Improved the performance of the CRM page by 85%.
  • Improved the marketing website Contact Us page.
  • Improved the design of forms with long titles.
  • Improved column alignment on the forms table.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of questions when editing a form.
March 24, 2021

Improved welcome messages

When you create a client, a conversation is now created right away (even you don’t invite the client yet). In this conversation, we show the draft welcome message that will be once the client signs in for the first time. We hope this update improves clarity around how welcome messages work.


Improvements and fixes

  • Added the ability to duplicate forms.
  • Improved the search experience across the product.
  • Improved the experience of inviting client users and internal users that have already been invited. The action is now called "Resend invite".
  • Fixed a bug where client user profile pictures where not used on the Messaging pages.
March 17, 2021

Improvements and fixes

  • Added ability to delete custom domains.
  • Renamed the titles of two pages. Messaging now says "Conversations" at the top and Files says "File channels".
  • Fixed a bug where an internal user who gets unassigned from a client doesn't lose the notifications that were associated with that client.
  • Fixed a bug where the icon you set on the Customization page didn't get used for your favicon.
March 10, 2021

Client assignment is our biggest release to date and makes Portal work for larger teams (up to 50 people on a team). With client assignment you can now easily (1) assign a lead to each client and (2) select the team members that can see the client and their information (messages, files, invoices etc.) all from one unified place.

Improvements and fixes

  • Added a sticky sidebar notification for clients who have open invoices. For example, if a client has 2 unpaid open invoices, they will see a "2" beside "Billing" in the sidebar. The notifications only go away when the invoices are paid.
  • Improved the eSignatures user experience.
  • Redesigned avatars, channels, toggles, tags, text fields, and modals.
  • Updated the Portal guide.
March 3, 2021

Help center

Internal users can now click on Help center in the bottom of the sidebar. On the Help center, internal users are greeted with 4 useful links - the Portal Guide, our Slack community, contact support, and recent updates.


Sometimes a client just won’t check their email to accept their portal invite or pay an invoice. Now you can click on the actions button on a client (on the CRM page) or on an open invoice (on the Invoices page), and copy a link that you can share with your client via email, SMS, or any method you choose.


Improvements and Fixes

  • Improved the experience of uploading large files in Messaging.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the Preview action for an eSigned document showed the original document.
February 24, 2021

Pricing page

If you're using our marketing website, you can now customize a pricing page where you can show your subscription tiers.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Increased the per-transaction ACH limit to $75K.
  • Improved the experience of using the forms module on mobile with a collapse-able sidebar on the right side.
  • Improved the experience of managing your settings.
  • Improved the experience of uploading/replacing images.
February 17, 2021

Google Analytics

Added the ability to connect Google Analytics accounts. Once you've added your tracking ID on Settings/General, you can see metrics on your Google Analytics dashboard.


Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability use custom text blocks in the eSignature request flow. The custom block can be used for company names, addresses, etc.
  • Improved the alignment of eSignature blocks when they are added to the page.
  • Improved the intake form creation flow so that it is easier to add lots of questions.
  • Improved how quickly custom domains get connected.
  • Improved the drag & drop experience in the files module.
  • Redesigned the Settings page so that it shows in a modal.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some typed messages to disappear in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where double clicking on a signed eSignature document showed the original version instead of the signed version.
February 10, 2021

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added an audit trail page to the end of documents that went through the Portal eSign flow to meet even the strictest eSignature criteria.
  • Added empty state pages to all modules so the experience is better for internal users and client users when a module has no content (for example, no invoices or knowledge base articles).
  • Added a tooltip to the icon that indicates which invoices are part of subscriptions
  • Improved the look of headers on mobile screens.
  • Improved several small UX details in the Forms module.
  • Improved the rendering process on the messaging page; improving stability.
  • Fixed spelling mistakes for intake forms email notifications.
  • Fixed a bug where in-product messaging notifications didn't go away real-time.
February 3, 2021

Intake Forms

Following up on our eSignatures release 2 weeks ago, today we're excited to announce our next module - Intake Forms. With intake forms, collecting client information becomes quick and streamlined. Check out the 5 minute video to see how it works.

Slack community

We are grateful that so many of you have shared feedback with us - what module to build next, how to make existing modules better, etc.. This morning, we created a Slack group for everyone that wants a more direct line of communication with our team and connect with other tech-forward professionals. We're starting really small - with just 15 invitations going out this week - but we'll increase the size of the group over time.

To join the Portal community Slack group, click here.

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added the ability to set the role (admin or staff) of a team member at the time of invitation.
  • Added a send button to the Messaging channel page.
  • Added an icon on the invoices table that tells you which invoices are generated through subscriptions.
  • Added a video walkthrough to the tips card (you won't see it if you are fully setup already!).
  • Redesigned tables with better sizing, animations, action buttons, hover states, and more.
  • Redesigned tags, toggles, spinners, tooltips, and drop downs.
  • Switched to an infinite scroll paradigm for tables so that you no longer have to click through pages if you have a lot of rows. Just scroll down and new items appear!
  • Improved the experience of connecting a custom domain with real-time checks that tell if you setup was successful.
  • Fixed a bug where client users saw billing settings even when the Billing module is disabled.
January 27, 2021

Improvements and Fixes

  • Added a plans page where you can choose between monthly and annual plans and upgrade/downgrade.
  • Add a Pay button for clients on open invoices that is much more prominent.
  • Redesigned the invoice & subscription creation flows.
  • Improved the dragging experience for blocks in the eSignature flow.
  • Fixed a bug so that when the Billing module is disabled, clients don't have a payment methods section in Settings anymore.
  • Fixed a bug with the sidebar header sections.
  • Fixed a bug related to searching in the Knowledge Base module.

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