
New updates and improvements to Copilot.

March 8, 2023

Improvements & Updates

  • Improved the search logic on the Clients page. Now when you perform a search on the Clients page, click into the Client Details page, and navigate back, we retain the search from before.
  • Improved search performance on the Messaging App.
  • Fixed a bug where in some situation invoices were incorrectly rounded up.
  • [API] Added inviteUrl to the client API response.
February 15, 2023

We redesigned link previews in the Messaging App and made them look more polished and easier to read.

Improvements & Updates

  • Improved how deep linking works across the Copilot Dashboard. Now when you open a link to a specific page, even if you have to log in first we try to redirect you to the correct destination after.
  • Improved the design of the company dropdown in the client create experience.
  • Fixed various bugs to make client import more robust.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused connections errors on the Messaging App if you have a large number of active channels.
  • Fixed a bug that caused full logos to be stretched out on log in and sign up.
February 9, 2023

Improvements & Updates

  • Improved how search works so that search queries are persistent in some workflows. For example, if you search for something on the Clients page, click on a client, and navigate back, the search query still remains.
  • Improved the initial portal loading experience for client users by making it faster.
  • Improved the design and spacing of tables everywhere in the product.
  • Improved the layout/padding for Partner and Custom Apps in the Copilot Dashboard. The new layout is a more accurate preview of what clients see in your portal.
  • Fixed a bug where full logos would sometimes appear blurry on the log in and sign up pages of your portal.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented full-screen viewing of images sent in the Messaging App.
  • Fixed a bug related to payment fee calculations for customers on pricing plans introduced on January 19th.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented back navigation on mobile when you navigated to a specific files or messaging channel.
January 27, 2023

Notification Attachments

We now include PDF attachments in some of our email notifications to make the experience for your clients more seamless. This eliminates the need for clients to navigate into your portal to access and download files. Initially, we are including PDFs in two email notifications:

  • Open invoice notifications. Email notifications to clients about open invoices now include the PDF for the invoice as an attachment.
  • Signed contract notifications. Email notifications to clients and internal users that are sent when a document has been signed by all parties now include the PDF for the signed contract as an attachment.


We are grateful for the increasing number of trials being initiated by our customers and partners. To make it easier for you to spread the word about Copilot, you can now click on 'Referrals' in the sidebar and share a unique invite link with anyone. You can earn up to $500 (in Amazon gift card credits) per referral.

Improvements & Updates

  • Improved the experience of copying links (client invite links, invoice payment links, Helpdesk article links, etc.). In the past copying on some mobile browsers didn't work at all and copying a link really quickly after an entity is created also didn't work. The new set of improvements fixes this problem comprehensively.
  • Redesigned our invoice templates. The new invoices look more polished with better alignment and spacing. We transitioned to text-based PDF generation (we previously used image-based PDF generation) which means that PDFs now have smaller file sizes and that it's possible to copy text from the PDF.
  • Improved how search works in the Helpdesk App.
  • Fixed a number of UI bugs that were introduced with the new layout we rolled out last week. You'll notice small changes in alignment, padding, etc. across the product that makes feel just a little more polished.
  • Fixed a bug where for Partner Apps and Custom Apps we didn't show the app title in the top.
January 19, 2023

The Copilot Winter Release

We're excited to share details of the Copilot Winter Release – the most significant release in our company's history. It includes four major new features and hundreds of design and performance improvements. Read on!

A revamped Copilot Admin

The new Copilot Admin is out and you can access it by logging in on copilot.com. You'll see a refreshed look, faster loading speeds, improved search, and a better overview of everything important to your business. The client experience (i.e. , your portal) is now located on a different URL, which you can access by clicking on Client experience at the bottom of the sidebar.

Workspaces and Workspace Switching

We’ve been surprised by how many businesses set up multiple portals, each with its own brand, to better cater to different audiences. We saw this with accounting firms that set up a separate crypto practice, growth marketing firms that set up unique brands for paid and content marketing, law firms that set up unique brands for serving businesses and individuals, and many others. In addition, we saw many marketing agencies that set up portals for their clients and wanted an easier way to manage them. Given the above, we’ve added full support for managing and easily switching between multiple portals.

More customizations for your portal

On the Customization page you now have access to several new ways of making your portal better match the brand identity of your business.

  • Color customization. Instead of specifying just a single color for your portal, you can now set a sidebar color, a sidebar font color, and an accent color.
  • Logo and icon customization. In addition to supporting square icons, you can now upload a full logo. This full-size logo is automatically be used on your portal sign-in page as well as on invoices.
  • Font customizations. With the new font picker, you can select from dozens of fonts to match your brand.

Easier migrations with Client Import

If you have a list of clients stored in another product like Salesforce, HubSpot, or even just a spreadsheet, we now have a streamlined workflow that lets you import 100s of clients in less than a minute. You can use the importer to import clients, or you can use it to update clients. Updating is especially helpful if you have custom field data stored in another system and you want Copilot to be your source of truth for all client information.

Improvement & Updates

  • Redesigned the layout of the Copilot Admin and the client portal. Both now utilize vertical space much better, giving more space to the app surface area. This is especially useful if you're using Partner Apps or Custom Apps.
  • Made several improvements to the Copilot Messaging App including beautiful URL previews, smart embeds, and better performance.
  • Streamlined the invoice creation process. When you create a new invoice, you can now Open it immediately rather than having to create a draft invoice that you set to Open after.
  • Made it easier to share a link with clients where they can sign up directly. You'll now see Copy client sign up link as an option when you click Create client on the Clients page.
  • Redesigned the search experience on all pages. The search bar now expands when you click on the search icon and collapses when you're done with a search.
  • Released a new version of Copilot University.
November 16, 2022

Improvements & Updates

  • Added support for banks in Indonesia.
  • Improved the layout of several pages in the Admin experience. We now make better use of horizontal space on small and large screens.
  • Improved how validation works across entity types (company names, custom fields, etc.). We now remove all white spaces in the beginning of end of  entity names to reduce the chance that you accidentally create duplicate entities.
  • Improved the custom domain setup process. It now works seamlessly if you switch from one custom domain to another.
  • Improved the design of the Knowledge base module if no tags have been added. We now hide the table of contents if no tags have been added.
  • Improved the experience of adding a Partner App. We now show option "Don’t see your App?" at the end and better guide you through adding an app that is not shown.
  • Fixed a bug where in rare situations messaging email notifications were not delivered even if you selected Always in your notification settings.
  • [Integrations] Fixed a bug that prevented sync with QuickBooks Online if you don't have a default sales item setup.
  • [Zapier] Added support for passing companyId as a parameter to the List Clients action.
October 27, 2022

Improvements & Updates

  • After you create a client, the snackbar that shows now contains a link to the client details page.
  • Renamed 'Extensions' to 'Apps' everywhere in the product.
  • Fixed a bug where in very rare cases there was a $0.01 inconsistency between invoices in your portal and invoices in QuickBooks due to differences in rounding logic.
  • Fixed a bug where the Knowledge base item on the sidebar previously didn't show as selected when you are on the article editor page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling on the Knowledge base page if you are using Firefox on mobile.
  • Improved the animations used to open and close items in the sidebar.
October 6, 2022

Improved Client Invites

We improved the experience of adding and inviting new clients. After you create a client you will now see the modal below, which makes copying and manually sharing the client invite link the primary action. We made this changes because we learned that most people prefer to invite clients by sharing the invite link in an existing email or text conversation. If you prefer the old flow, you can still use automatic email invites by clicking on Send email invite.

Improvements & Updates

  • Added an Enterprise feature that makes it possible to automatically backup files to an an AWS S3 bucket.
  • Fixed a bug where in very rare cases subscriptions continued beyond the number of cycles they were set for.
  • Fixed 2 bugs that prevented saving notification preferences.
September 21, 2022

Improvements & Updates

  • Added hourly/minute time stamps in the Files module so it is more clear when precisely files are uploaded.
  • Updated the formatting of email notifications to further help with email deliverability.
  • Improved the user experience of connecting a custom domain and custom email domain.
  • Improved the copy on email notifications to make them sound more natural.
  • Improved the layout on the new eSignatures experience.
  • Redesigned the snackbars that are shown for success and error messages.
September 15, 2022

eSignatures 2.0

We rebuilt the eSignatures feature from scratch. With the latest release client users can complete eSignature requests from their mobile device. And internal users now have control over the size of blocks that they add. We've also made various other improvements to make the request and signing experience more intuitive and faster.

Improved Email Deliverability

Your clients are primarily notified about new messages, invoices, and other events via email notifications, so it's critical that email notifications are consistently delivered to their inbox and don't go to spam. With this release we made numerous improvements to email deliverability so that email notifications never go to Microsoft/Outlook quarantine and only vary rarely go into the spam folder.

Improvements & Fixes

  • Added support for invite links for internal users. If you'd like to invite a team member, after you create them on the Settings > Team page you can now use the 'copy invite link' action.
  • Added support for client import. If you need to import a large number of clients contact support and we'll help you out. Later this year, this feature will be available in-product as well.
  • Added support for Thailand bank accounts.
  • Improved and simplified the Modules & Extensions page.
  • Improved the mass-messaging feature so that it runs asynchronously and works with large numbers of clients.
  • Fixed a bug where turning on/off in-product notifications for Messaging didn't work in some rare cases.

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